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Anxiety Test: Do I have clinical anxiety symptoms?

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Disclaimer: This quiz is only for adults and is not designed to be administered to anyone under 18 years of age. By clicking on the quiz above, you acknowledge that the quiz is not a diagnostic instrument and is only to be used if you are 18 years or older. Let’s Talk! Counseling and Services LLC disclaims any liability, loss, or risk incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from the use and application of this quiz.

Anxiety Test Results

This anxiety test has been adapted from the GAD-7 and it examines whether your experience indicates clinical anxiety symptoms. The anxiety test results below can help you better understand your score and potential anxiety treatment recommendations.

Your results on this anxiety test can offer valuable insight into your current symptoms. Depending on your score, anxiety treatment may be recommended. Whether your responses on this anxiety test suggest mild or severe anxiety, remember that seeking help is a courageous step towards improving your mental well-being.

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Your score on this anxiety test suggests you're likely experiencing minimal anxiety symptoms, if any. Occasional tension or irritability can also be caused by high stress, but it's unlikely you meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder.

To prevent anxiety symptoms from developing, be sure to cultivate self-awareness and practice self-care. Specifically, ensure the following areas of your life are healthy and consistent: supportive close relationships, exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress management.

If high stress is making it hard for you to relax, we can help. Our therapists can provide you with healthy coping strategies to better manage your stress and protect your mental health. For more information, call today or request a free consultation.

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Your score on this anxiety test indicates mild anxiety. You might be feeling more tense or worried than you usually do which can make it more difficult to relax and lead to unhealthy habits such as drinking daily, procrastination, and snapping at people. You may be concerned about these things, but also feeling unsure about how to snap out of it.

We can help. Our approach to anxiety treatment includes tools to help you break these unhealthy patterns and get your worry under control. For more information or to schedule an appointment to begin anxiety treatment, call today or request a free consultation and we'll reach out to you to discuss your anxiety symptoms.

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Your responses on this anxiety test suggest you may be feeling restless, anxious, and irritable quite often. People with moderate anxiety symptoms tend to fall into three types: "over-doer," "avoidant," or a combination of the two.

If you're an over-doer, you may stay constantly busy, trying to get everything done, to make sure everything is perfect, to avoid any mistakes. You likely have trouble relaxing, even when you have the chance because your mind keeps finding new problems and tasks. You keep telling yourself that your time to relax will come once everything is done, but it never happens.

If you're an avoidant, you may find that your anxiety symptoms make you want to avoid, procrastinating on things that need to get done, and feeling overwhelmed at even the thought of starting on something. You may feel incapable of doing things for yourself, worried you'll just mess it all up and make things worse. People may think you're "relaxing," but you're actually just trying not to think about all the things you're anxiously putting off.

If you scored in this range on the anxiety test, anxiety treatment is recommended. Our therapists offer techniques that go beyond just guided meditation and coloring books, focusing on anxiety treatment that targets both the mental and behavioral aspects of anxiety. We can help you break the habit of predicting worst-case scenarios (and then believing all of them), and help you swap out some of your anxiety behaviors for new skills. For clients experiencing physical symptoms, we offer techniques to help retrain your nervous system to relax. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call today or request a free consultation and we'll reach out to you to discuss your results on this anxiety test.

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Your responses on this anxiety test suggest severe anxiety symptoms, making daily functioning feel impossible. Severe anxiety can turn into an unending feeling of dread, from the moment you wake up. While this anxiety test does not specifically focus on it, trauma can also contribute to severe anxiety. If you suspect trauma may be causing your anxiety symptoms, check out these quizzes to explore trauma symptoms.

If you're an over-doer, you may find yourself struggling with constant busyness, exhaustion, perfectionism, or sleep problems. Your anxiety may lead you to become more controlling or neurotic about other things, putting extra stress on you and those close to you.

If you're an avoidant, you may be feeling terrified to face problems causing you to procrastinate on serious things for work, school, finances, or your health. You may be feeling incapable and overwhelmed, struggle with decision-making, and have a hard time focusing. You might try to avoid anxiety by "checking out" with your phone or tv or self-medicating with alcohol or drugs.

You may identify with both. At this point, it's recommended for you to seek professional help to begin anxiety treatment which may include therapy, anti-anxiety medication, or a combination of both. Our approach to anxiety treatment has been successful with both types of anxiety symptoms: over-doers and avoidants. Anxiety treatment should go beyond just venting, to target the mental, physical, and behavioral aspects of anxiety.

Our therapists can teach you real tools for targeting your "worst case scenario" thinking, baby steps to face your fears and overcome avoidance, and retrain your nervous system how to relax. For more information or to schedule an appointment to begin anxiety treatment, call today or request a free consultation and we'll reach out to you to discuss the results of this anxiety test.

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We can help.

If you or someone you love is struggling with anxiety, depression, or the effects of trauma, please reach out. We offer Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Orlando and online throughout Florida. Call today or send us your info and we’ll reach out for a free consultation to see if one of our CBT Therapists would be a good fit.


Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB, Lowe B. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7. Archives of internal medicine. May 22 2006;166(10):1092-1097. PMID: 16717171