Employing Meditation to Manage Your Grief

Addressing grief is one of the most difficult things in life that we must unfortunately experience. According to our counselor in Orlando, the finality of losing someone we love can drive us to feel rage, fear, or sadness.

When dealing with grief, it might feel like you cannot move ahead, or you don't know how you can keep living in a world without your friend or loved one in it.

How You Begin to Manage Your Grief and Loss

Turning to meditation can be valuable to help deal with these powerful and overwhelming emotions. Meditation is a form of tranquility and silence, where the frenzied thoughts and concerns in your head are quieted for a period of reflection or mindfulness. Then, through meditation, you can begin to calm your emotions, assess your feelings, and reach a position of acceptance and peace.

A Meditation to Address your Grief

Choose a serene, comfortable place to sit where you can be sequestered for 15 to 20 minutes. Put on some calming ambient music if you want. Close your eyes and start by taking slow, mindful, and natural deep breaths: first, in through your nose, then exhale slowly. Try to push away any reflections or worries and focus only on living in the moment. Picture the face of the individual you're missing, and imagine them in front of you now. You can visualize that their soul is there with you, or you can just visualize their face.

Communicate whatever you want to them. Concentrate on making the conversation loving and understanding. If you like, you can visualize a precious memory. Position yourself back in time with your friend or loved one and envision experiencing everything in the moment. Thank your friend or loved one for coming to visit you. Imagine a gentle and peaceful goodbye. Slowly bring your attention back to the space. Encounter your body's energy from your crown to your feet as you take incremental and natural deep breaths. Rehearse this meditation any time you feel the need to do so.

Further resources

You can download many apps for your phone or tablet to help guide you through diverse meditations; search for meditation in the App Store. You can also scour YouTube for meditations to help with grief and try the guided meditations available for no charge.

There is no one way to mourn; everybody grieves in different ways. There's also no schedule or deadline. The journey of grief is a very individual one, and the most acceptable way to move through it is to confront the emotions you're experiencing as they happen.

Our counselor in Orlando wants to provide you with as many resources for grief as you need. In addition, you can find more resources associated with grief or meditation on our website.

We can help.

If you or someone you love is struggling after a loss, please reach out. We offer CBT Therapy in Orlando and online throughout the state of Florida. Call today or send us your info and we’ll reach out for a free consultation to see if one of our therapists would be a good fit.


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