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Panic Disorder: A Comprehensive Overview

For those living with panic disorder, life can be a roller coaster ride of intense fear and anxiety. These feelings can be so strong that it can feel as if your world is about to end. Fortunately, there are professional treatment and counseling services available in the Orlando area that can help you get back on track. Let’s take a look at what panic disorder is, its causes, symptoms and treatments.

What is Panic Disorder?

Panic disorder is a mental disorder characterized by frequent and recurring episodes of intense fear or anxiety that last for several minutes or more. People suffering from panic disorder may experience shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, trembling, sweating and heart palpitations. They may also experience an overwhelming sense of impending doom or death. While panic attacks usually last between 10-30 minutes, they can continue for hours if untreated.

Causes of Panic Disorder

The exact cause of panic disorder remains unknown but many experts believe it stems from both environmental and genetic factors. Stressful life events such as divorce or the death of a loved one can trigger panic attacks in some people who are predisposed to them due to their genes. Other potential triggers include certain medications, caffeine or drug use.

Symptoms of Panic Disorder

The most common symptom is the occurrence of recurrent panic attacks which typically involve physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, chest pain, dizziness or nausea as well as psychological symptoms such as fear of losing control or going crazy. Other common symptoms include avoiding places where an attack has occurred before (known as agoraphobia) and persistent worry about having another attack in the future (known as anticipatory anxiety).                       

Treatment for Panic Disorder

The primary form of treatment for panic disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This type of therapy helps patients identify thoughts and behaviors associated with their condition and provides them with tools to manage their feelings without resorting to avoidance tactics like remaining at home most days instead of going out into public spaces where an attack might occur again. Medication is also commonly used in conjunction with CBT to reduce the severity and frequency of attacks if necessary. In Orlando specifically there are many experienced counselors offering excellent treatment options for those looking for help dealing with their condition.

Panic disorder is an incredibly debilitating mental health condition that affects many people worldwide every day. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment—such as cognitive behavioral therapy combined with medication—it is possible to manage this condition effectively while still leading a full life free from constant fear and dread! If you live in Orlando and think you might suffer from this condition don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our experienced counselors today; we’re here to help!  The sooner you seek help the sooner you will start feeling better!

We can help.

If you or someone you love is struggling with panic attacks, please reach out. We offer panic attack treatment with CBT Therapists in Orlando and online throughout the state of Florida. Call today or send us your info and we’ll reach out for a free consultation to see if one of our therapists would be a good fit.